About Me

Working magic

How I decide to work my magic is the way I work, it is by no means the "right way or the way things should be done". It takes a little time and a trial and error progretion to find the way that works for each individual. My own personal view on things is that the best way to work magic is that first you have to belive that what you are doing is Magical. This page will be dedicated spells and things that I am trying as well as recipies that I want to try and have tried. Any suggestions welcome.

I have been practicing for a few years now, but what first started my interest? I was brought up in the Church of England and though it was what I needid by the time I reached my teens I started to question everything and felt restricted by this fath. Its not bad its just no longer for me, I found a book in the local libarary I can remember the front cover vividly and the title "Lifting the couldren lid" I can remember very little about it and have never found it again much to my disapointment. It was a book that started me off not surprisingly I am a bit of a book worm. I also love the conectedness of this religion there is no sepatating us from the rest of nature and it was also this that attracted me as I had a very raural up bringing (for which I am very thankful for).

Recipe list 

A list of stuff I have made and very often blogged about.
  • Apricot Wine (in the prosses of bloging)

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