The 2012 Pagan reading challenge

This will comprise of a list of books I am reading and have read. I will also put the book list on my page and so forth. Heres to happy reading !!

I am aiming for  Intermediate Read 16 - 20 books it can change I do have untill December 31st to compleate the Challenge, along with some of the additional challanges. There are other book challenges including these

Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
As Brigid is a goddess of inspiration craft this is the year of the book apparently she is a good deity to dedicate my reading and learning to! I am going to be doing alot of reading and writing about but hey I have plenty of time right now. I will add all the appropreate links to the bottom of book reviews when I can get the banners working :) Melissas challenge is more focused on fiction for me and the Pagan challenge is more information a good mix I think.

Books that I have read!

    1. Pagan Pregnancy: A spiritual journey from maiden to mother by Arin Murphy- Hiscock  Bloged.
    2.  Hearth Witch ( The Eight paths of magic) by Anna Franklin Read 
    3. Mother Rising The Blessingway journey into motherhood by Yana Cortlund, Barb Lucke and Donna Miller Watlet Read. 
    4. Path of the Shaman by Anna Franklin Read
    5. The Path of Druidry Walking the Ancient green way by Penny Billington. Read. 
    6. Beltane: Springtime rituals, lore and celebration by Raven Grimassi. Read.
    7. Hubble Bubble by Christina Jones Blogged
    8. Horns of power: Manifestations of the Horned God by David Rankine et al  Read
    9. I shall wear midnight by Terry Pratchett Blogged
    10. The Hedge Witch's Way by Ray Beth  Read
    11. garden spells by Sarah Addison- Allen Blogged 
    12. The wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett  Blogged
    13. The Golden Bough by Sir James Frazer  Reading
    14. A witches' Bible : The compleate Witchs' handbook by Janet and Stewart Farrar Blogged
    15. Green Witchcraft by Ann Moura Blogged
    16. Faery Magick by Sirona Knight Blogged
    17. Pagan Ritual- The path of the Priestess and Priest by Anna Franklin Read
    18. Enchantment of the Faerie Realm by Ted Andrews Read
    19. Working with Fairies by Anna Fanklin Read 
    20.   A Witch's guide to Faery folk by Edain McCoy Blogging
    21. The Spiral Dance by Starhawk Reading 
    22. Kissing the Hag By Emma Restall- Orr
    23. Hedgewitch By Ray Beth 
    24. Oak, Ash and Thorne by D.J Conway
I think that I managed to read my target amount off books but I am not sure that I managed to blog them all I will try harder to do that next time.  I must remember that I need new books