Friday 10 August 2012

The Count down

This month has come around so fast that its surprised me!
Though much points towards this time of year being very social, for me personaly I have gone more introspect as this is the last month of my pregnancy I am all about making my home nice and ready for the new arrival. I must admit I have all the usual end of pregnancy problems including being physically and mentally exausted. I must admit that I can't go out into the fields and enjoy the first harvests this year for Lammas I have brought my partner some beautiful sunflowers to remind me of the time of year and how important this turn is, even though the weather has only just started to really pick up with the wettest summer that I can remember this year I should imagine that the harvest is something that our farmers are both dreading and looking forward to as this signals the last few months of work before a well earned rest in the winter.

I do feel that I have missed alot this last year but I never understood how being pregnant quite littlerly takes over your life, it does change you and it is a very tiering time in so many ways. I have never been so anxious in all my life and it is anxiety for someone else. I havent found much on pagan pregnancy but I must admit that during this time it is hard to actually do the same amount of spiritual work as energy is invested else where it leave little for anything else. I intend to get back to things after Baby arrives by including baby but it will be interesting as I am well aware that things arnt going to be the same and I am going to have to change to acomodate my new role in life and that is the change that is the hardest change that pregnancy introduces you to a whole new role that I have no training for at all.....

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