Thursday 19 July 2012

Enchantment of the Faerie Realm

Encantment of the Faerie Realm By Ted Andrews

This book is a really good guide to helping a first timer into the world of Faerie which can be complicated and confusing at the best of times. There are lots of practical meditations and tip for things to research and look at to help a person on the way to studing the Nature spirits and to try and understand them.

I like the way that the book is divided up into easy catogories and how easy it is to do alot of the stuff in it without spending loasd of money or going long distances to find the right spot. Especially as the weather has not been fit for sitting for hours meditating in out of the way places. I also liked the balance of pratical knowledge and personal experience that Ted puts forward.

Over all it is a really good starting point for gaining acess to another world that I love visiting now and the effort of trying to comunicate with these spirits is enough to draw a little more magic into a persons life. For anyone interested in looking into Nature Spirits and Elementals this is an excellent resource to have.

Things I have used
  • The lists of fairy sories as the second Exercise in the Elemental chapters. Ted give a good list of folk sories from all over the world to help show how humans relate to the different elementals. 
  • The first Exercise is understanding through mythology the importants of these spirits and there impact on our world. Again a nice wide veriety of titles that a person can happily explore. (these tie in deities into elemental links also.)
Things I want to use
  • When i feel ready I want to use the meditations to explore each of the elementals
  • The different flower and tree faeries and also continue to explore faerie stories and mythology to better understand this world 
  • Have a closer more tightly bound relationship with good faeries to help me in my service to the comunity and to mother earth.

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  1. Sounds like a great intro to the world of the faerie.

  2. Hey there. I'm hoping I can interest you in my latest novel, a YA paranormal romance called AUDREY'S GUIDE TO WITCHCRAFT. I noticed you joined several related reading challenges, so I figured you might have a soft spot for magic!

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