Friday 25 May 2012

The Hedge Witch's Way (reading challenge)

The Hedge Witch's Way: Magic spirituality for the lone spellcaster, by Rae Beth

" Here is a guide to magical spirituality of the Hedge Witch, which describes a path that is profound and yet simple- uncluttered by complex ritual, a matter of the heart"

 This for me was a lovely book to read, as it was really very clear and set out in small chunks so that you can put the book down and think about what has been written. It is jam packed with lovely prayers and it clearly shows a person how to write there own prayers once you have got the idea. Prayer is a simple but profound part of my own path reguardless of wether I call myself a Hedge Witch or not. It is hartfelt and covers the world tree and how we can use it. I think that at hart many would be able to identify with this book and its ideas as it goes through all the complecated ritual and long complex symbols and clutter that can become our spirituality and give a clear and basic steps that we can continue to build on year by year. It is the bringing of magic into the everyday life and making it sacred and conected to nature in a way the the writer has clearly managed to sucssed at doing.

This booke was reviewed for both the below challenges you can join in too at The pagan reading challenge and The witches reading challenge

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of bringing magic into everyday...I'm going to look for this one:)
